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thanks bro

Sorry, payment and infos were not provided today, iā€™m off to sleep :slight_smile:
Iā€™ll be online tomorrow if you still want to trade.

need to wait as my budget got increased i need to get 130milsp plus char

your missiles skills are zero

sweet friday bump

at the price that youā€™re looking for, this pilot will NEVER sell. mark this post if you donā€™t believe meā€¦

yes missiles are way low no shields and many tech 2 skills 4

Iā€™ll move the price to:
Starting bid 44B
Buyout 50B

This is indeed a not very focused character (as it was used as an all-around alt in WH), but imo it has good fundamentals.

@Elayne_Insane I do appreciate your feedback for future sales and donā€™t want to seem rude, but as iā€™ve spent my whole friday evening f5ing for your ā€œurgentā€ transactionā€¦ please avoid to spam with ā€œmuh no missilzā€ posts :wink:

20k sp on missiles is what i say funked up so f off not to sound rude
I will do whatever i want this is a forum not you fnking property



@ Araunot Everchosen I would happily sell it to you for 48B :slight_smile:

Itā€™s a deal, information and isk will be your way shortly.

Thank you, ISK received and transfer started !

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Character received, can be considered close. Pleasure doing business.

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