To close

character sold





45B ofr

@LiuFeng_OF Thanks for your offer :slight_smile:

Bump :slight_smile:


I’ll offer 48 bil since your lacking missile skills…for the next hour

Sorry, would have accepted but was AFK.

My ofr is still valid.

Sorry mate 45 is a bit too low for me

Sorry for withdraw my ofr, just get another Character.

48b insta buy

offer valid just for today

Hey @ Elayne Insane , i accept your offer :slight_smile:
Please provide payement and account infos by EveMail, i’ll start transfer right away

can you give me few hrs as i am working

till what time will you be online

it’s 5PM here, i’ll be online for the next 7 hours (with maybe a beer break :wink: )