What does a path to Pandemic Legion entail?
What does a PATH to Pandemic Legion entail?
What does a PATH to Pandemic Legion entail?
If you put in the time and effort, you get a vouch into Sniggerdly.
As someone who graduated, the 6 months I had in T.M. and the 3 months (and counting) since in Sniggerdly is the most fun I’ve had in Eve.
Always looking for more recruits, hop in our discord now.
These good people are looking for more good people.
Making a big move now, come be part of the excitement!
Non-stop action in new deployment, join up now for pew pew.
Join one month ago after returning from a break, great group of guys and lots of content.
Great corp, with great people to play with. Come talk to us in our discord.
Come talk to us in our discord. Great opportunities for pvp!
We are always looking for new recruits. Come join in on the fun.
Hop in discord and chat about your opportunities with TM!
We are growing by the minute! Come join our discord and talk with us.
Come and join our discord to shoot the @#$% before shooting internet space ships
Still recruiting! Come chat with us!
Great corp, with alot of opportunity! Hop on our public discord and chat with us.
If you’re interested in pvp then come talk to us about joining!
Blues are few, content is plenty come join the fun
We have alot of fun in this corp, come talk with us!