Triglavian Corporation

Hello. My name is Nicholas Kondur, and I’ve had the pleasure of meeting with and fighting alongside many of you during this most recent conflict, along with our Triglavian Brethren. As one of the original members of Kybernauts, I’ve stood by it this entire time. However, as time passes, the Corp gains more and more members, yet hardly anyone is active, there are no corporation activities, and it doesn’t look like it will be taking off anytime soon. With that aside, I’m holding a meeting in TTI discord comms to discuss starting a new Corporation that will allow us who want to stick together to do so. If you don’t have that discord already, check out and join it from there. I bear no ill will towards the leadership. I’m simply wanting to start something more active and focusing on Triglavian content. Meeting details will be posted tomorrow in the discord channels, so keep an eye out. This is open to all.

Nicholas Kondur
Kybernaut Clade


Small Update: Meeting will be around 0000 Eve Time on Friday. Stribog will have representatives there as well, and may pose a decent recruitment opportunity. Ultimately, it is you guys that will decide where we end up. Any further updates will be here as soon as I’m made aware

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