Unscheduled Downtime Notification - 2023/05/02

You aren’t allowed to play any games other than EVE, haven’t ye heard?

Nope I have not. What is the point in only one when you can have 2?? two wife’s are better than one :stuck_out_tongue:

■■■■■■■ too unfair. I finish 3 combat site and get 100m. People who go to data site get 1b till now. And I lost my tengu in the first combat site!


Have you tried running something else instead? :stuck_out_tongue:

But there are only 24hrs in a day and every minute not sleeping needs to be spent thinking about EVE
Scratch that, you have to dream about EVE too.


Can only mine that much in eve.

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some of the sites are unable to be completed, or harder to complete than intended

Any more info on that? I lost a ship in a combat site and i want to pretend that the reason isn’t because i’m bad



haha true

I have a confession to make…i…erm…accidentally uninstalled Excel…

Neuts Stronk

I hope you make a full recovery.

Neuts 2 stronk, boss is BEEFY

just bring more cap boosters oBviouSly

Cap stable at 55%, no injectors, Sadge. Cap not so stable anymore, kek

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Damn i just came home from work willing to play some before dinner and now this

What are you talking about?

That’s rough buddy, guess you can play some after dinner <3
only if I get to blow you up tho :wink:

Shayt! Kill that thread!

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