[COMPLETED] Extended Downtime Notification - 15 September 2021

Hello spacefriends,

There will be an extended downtime on Wednesday 15 September while we do some additional maintenance work on internal systems. Downtime is expected to last for up to 1 hour until 12:00 UTC however Tranquility will be back up sooner if work is completed early. Updates here and on the EVE Status Twitter account.

Fly safe. o7


11:01 UTC
Good day, everyone. The extended maintenance is underway. Please be advised that our services will be offline for the most part. We will keep you posted on the progress as we go. Thanks!

11:27 UTC
Work was completed well ahead of schedule. Tranquility is back up and accepting connections.


Skill window aint gonna reverse itself, I guess.

10/10 for getting on this so quick.


AIR NPE is a success, played it today and it really felt immersive, great job! Also, the skill plans are surely handy for new players.


I would like option to revert back too old setup new one cool and that but i can not minimize it way could old one please make option like did for new map (quit changing up the game there reason been played for years not need mess with tbh that interdiction update was bs takes away ship traits why people spent time skill into at least add extra High slot make up for the cloaky afk campers was good idea rest was crap


+1 for reverting character and skill UI ā€˜updatesā€™ in this extended DT


Iā€™d definitely prefer an opt-out of the new Character Sheet. I can see the objective appeal this may have especially for new coming players, but the compact nature of the original was very intuitive and screen economical, taking much less space to give more transparent information.


+1, yes please let us opt out of the new skill UI. I also greatly preferred the compactness of the old UI design. I could have it open while flying, but not with the new design. Takes up too much screen real estate. May I suggest that all new UI changes go through this rubric. If you cant fly with it open anymore, then itā€™s not a good design. Multi-tasking in eve is important. Usually one task is flying somewhere the other is everything else, because flying is so boring in some circumstances itā€™s a good time to get something else done. Time is of the essence.


Please revert that abomination of ā€œnewā€ skill UI.


The new skill UI is a big improvement if:

a) it could be resized.
b) If we could press shift + left mouse to select multiple skills AND then be able to drag more than one skill at a time. (love the bigger window to play with).
c) Skills browser should be much bigger than the empty space on the left if possible?


I hope this involves reverting the skill page.


I hope this all involves you all giving me your stuff so we donā€™t have to read your whining ever again.


Please bring back the OLD UI. Or give us the option of switching to the old 1.


This downtime should include reverting the god-awful skill UI. Right? RIGHT?!?! Thanks!


I enjoy the new character sheet and skill uis, and hope you donā€™t revert back and instead continue to make improvements on them.


Iā€™m gonna need to see your high school diplomaā€¦


Iā€™m gonna need to see your high school diplomaā€¦

Sorry that we donā€™t all want to play rousing games of Excel. Change can be good, but itā€™s often painful in the beginning. Why donā€™t you give them the chance to make improvements, instead of knee-jerking?

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Because I can tell the difference between a smoking turd and a ham sandwich.


Because I can tell the difference between a smoking turd and a ham sandwich.

If you say so. Iā€™d rather CCP try new things, fail, and improve things than do nothing and let the game stagnate.

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Change for the better is great! Change just for the sake of change is not. I fully approve of the change of the new skill plan system. However, I do not approve of UIā€™s that look like they were coded by a drunken toddler and are less useful and non-intuitive than what we already had.


Change for the better is great! Change just for the sake of change is not. I fully approve of the change of the new skill plan system. However, I do not approve of UIā€™s that look like they were coded by a drunken toddler and are less useful and non-intuitive than what we already had.

Thatā€™s fair! I canā€™t fault your reasoning. Sometimes, though, you just gotta mix things up and see what comes up. Sometimes itā€™s good, sometimes bad. I prefer to let people take feedback and try to improve instead of immediately rolling back, but thatā€™s a personal preference.

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