Updating the TQ cluster is overdone I think - what are the next planes from CCPs to upgrade? A Hardware Upgrade would enable bigger fights

No amount of upgraded hardware will fix anything until you can run 20k players without tidi in one system. Since this is not possible and/or CCP not rich enough to be able to afford such level of raw tech power, other things are needed to reign in on these issues. Whatever CCP does to increase the server power only leads to us stuffing more people in the system, which leads to the same problems but more people can enjoy this garbage.

The load needs to be spread out. Keepstar battles like YZ9, M2-, M-O and so on ought to be abolished. No one needs them, no one enjoys these hideously bad experiences. Instead, spread the battle to several systems to nodes that you need to capture and keep for a set amount of time. Fights over these needs can break out between smaller fleets, more people need to get involved to create enough fleets to cover these nodes and the geography of the constellation needs to be used to your advantage.
You’d still have the same number of people in the fight overall but since you have spread them to several nodes, they can actually enjoy their time and actually have the opportunity to make a difference instead of just sitting for hours in a jump tunnel or on a titan.

You could still have big capital slug fests on these nodes. However, even if such a slug fest erupts you would still have other nodes that you can capture or defend with the rest of your people, which in turn reduces the number of people in the slug fest and thus makes that smaller slug fest more enjoyable for the involved lunatics, too.