You’d make more isk ratting in high sec then you would from this scam. What a waste of time.
yes thx
Maybe he IS ratting in hisec plus also updates this scam once per month. Seems not much time investment at least the monthly bump.
2019 is last official year of yodik’s palatine project.
This is interesting. and I got around 3 reasons why.
- Building a Palatine Keepstar need a lot of investment and a lot of guys to defend it.
- This post is sketchy and looks like a scam.
- This is 99.99% a scam that actually don’t work.
1000 pi alts, make p4 out of p2 p3 mine asteroids, produce structure components, here is how to do it
simply focus on one structure component type and work untill you reach it then go for next structure component and repear,repeat untill you have all components then be sure to have sufficient isk to install the job…
prolem with defending - agree, you cant anchor it in quiet place, since palatine is double hp of regular keepstar,the grind would just take bit longer
producing palatine keepstar in c1 null wormhole would be futile too,pretty quickly you would have hole camped 24/7 untill the palatine falls.
also if you produce it in highsec,you still need to move it,would you know how many people would fit cargo scanner to check ery freighter they see? the PK wuld be ganked before anchoring
palatine keepstar is another ccp failed isk sink,ever if you manage to build it you will have problem with it later. it would give too much attraction
its not scam
Its a material sink not an isk sink.
almost correct from my vision. from 1 january i have 108 pi alts with 4-4 skills. now they training skill to 5. i re-inventing method’s of pi gathering, looking for optimal chain’s. right now i not planning do pi alt’s more then 150, couse i not planning build palatine solo and this pi farm not will be non stop gathering. also, with command center skill at 5 i can produce p0 to p4 just pull p0 and take ready p4 after 5 hours.
i try mining ore in shattered wormholes and moon’s in regular wormholes, couse goon’s and few other alliance’s not accept me, thank god. but before palatine and till this day’s my best option is jedi mining and just buying ore. last step is my own manufacturing base, couse till now i using structures near jita and wormhole structure’s of friend’s.
wrong. its very risky project and from begining i decide to build by kits and exactly this wrote in project plan. so if something happen, project or investers will be have full kit’s of regular keepstar’s, not lot of 1 type component’s which useless in huge amount. yes, its not comfort for pi gathering and component’s production, but its mostly risk adaptive plan.
its not my problem. defend it will be work of its owner. i not planning be its owner.
anchoring place will be choosing by owner. but i planning built it in thera station, couse it mostly comfort place for transporting palatine to any eve place mostly fast.
anything is failed isk sink, its just question point of view.
no one can explain how it can be scam, ofc after reading plan.
report 2018:
bpo library
resource balance
117 omega characters
last official year plan:
600+ plannetary colonies
wh farm group
project fixes in february
do you need help managing all that ?
I can make API driven program to know when jobs are ready, when extractor are done, etc.
also tell the number of bpo you have, grouped by category/group.
well it wouldnt be for nothing, itd make whoever does it eve famous.
1st to build a palatine keepstar
1st palatine keepstar to die
statue to first palatine keepstar to be around in eve of the accomplihment
and probably some social media front paging
project is closed.
So how many people fell for the scam?
you means besides the OP ?
I am shocked, stunned, and amazed at this development.