I think it might have been an older video of yours I stumbled across that showed me something was possible that I had never known of before (jedi huffing). It was some crazy Russian guy, anyway, so seems chances were pretty good it was you.
I’ve had a lot of fun doing the jedi huffing thing. Haven’t done it in a bit, though. Seeing this post makes me want to go do it now. Thanks! o/
I have only tried huffing once, chased out after 2 cycles in a venture. I didn’t realize that they run constantly and can make passes through and grab.
2x gas cloud harvester II
covert ops cloaking device II
1mn afterburner II or modulated enduring afterburner
small shield booster II
adaptive invulnerability field II
damage control II
2x capacitor flux coil II or restricted capacitor flux coil
power diagnostic system II (if you want) or a nano (the mining laser upgrade does not help gas harvesters)
anti em rig II
capacitor control cicuit II (or you go 2x ccc II rig)
My armor rep one only differs in the mid, lows and rigs as follows:
1mn afterburner II
small capacitor battery II
survery scanner II (or anything else helpful)
damage control II
2x energized adaptive membrane II
small armor repair unit II