- Some Triglavian Invasion set piece objects can take shield damage despite being otherwise indestructible
- It is possible for multiple Stellar system effect beacons active in a system at the same time
- Incorrect amount of ISK is received when completing Triglavian Invasion Stellar dungeons
- Some Structures are not displaying icons in overview or “Show Info”
- Some VFX flicker when viewed from specific angles
- It is possible for the camera to clip with the capsule while warping
- Docking when Aura doesn’t prompt it during an active Tutorial mission will display a warning, to quit mission or keep playing.
- There is no payment box for jumping through an Ansiblex Jump Gate. Workaround: Setup auto payment. We are also working on a hotfix for this.
- The ‘Set Destination’ button for Triglavian Invasion system in the Agency always sets to the first system result
- Sometimes “Orders history” does not show up unless a character has accountant role in corp
- Turret and other world audio is missing for players running Windows 7 and MacOS
- Drones will not engage EDENCOM Cyno Jammers or Stellar effect beacons