I spent some time in Amarr Prime during the Foundation Day celebrations recently. Made a ton of friends. It was a party so…but local had like 400 people at the peek. Nice people, most…very friendly. I left a shuttle and jump clone there when I left to journey back to the backwaters of Gelhan. But I would return in a heartbeat, for profit or pleasure. I think Amarr will rise to this easy.
P. S. I had a blast at the celebrations, official and otherwise. Amarri know how to through one hell of a space party!
this time i think ccp must be in damage control mode
i mean the null dudes are camping and killing a lot of HS folks
the pvp guys like me are biting here and there and its all fun and games
but there is a big chunk of the population that is F … i think this was a shot in the foot
the eve engine runs on bear oil , they are burning the oil to fast
So now merely speculating about dynamic content in null is salty? Or is it you who has been triggered by the mere idea of actions having consequences?
I have never had a confrontation with a Goon. I have never lost a ship to any player and I’ve spent quite a bit of time in WHs and travel thru low for escalations. And the only ship I’ve lost so far (if you could call it a lose) was a reaper in a ghost site because the node was giving out random and inconsistent minesweep numbers. I have had zero interactions with Goons and know of them by name and reputation alone. I have never even been to Amarr nor Niarja. It doesn’t impact me in the slightest. Yet I can still have an opinion. Imagine that.
It’s interesting that you believe anyone who doesn’t agree with your way of thinking has some kind of grudge or vendetta. As if no outside observer could possibly look at a situation, critique and/or speculate about future events without actual skin in the game. The only vitriol I see is from the more PvP oriented people hating on HiSec players who prefer PvE for not playing the game the way you want them to.
I would have I assume when the SOE arc take me there, but alas I’ll be taking the safer route thru lowsec.
There is a livestream of Niarja that runs nearly 24/7. I’ve seen it. Right now there are either gates full of flashies, trigs or a combination of both. Before that, when this stuff first went down, continuous explosions and a debris field of wrecks rendering cloaks ineffective. 87 kills within this hour alone as of this posting. And there are still industrials in that lot. Maybe this is some new game where you see if you can get thru the s**tshow; Placing bets and what not.
The killboard for Niarja is absolutely baffling, it’s been seven days since Niarja fell, It’s listed as a NS system on the route planner, theres a big “HEY YOU’LL PROBABLY DIE IF YOU GO IN HERE” popup at the gate, the zkill is clogged with corpses, and people S T I L L blindly jump their blingy PVE ships and industrials of all sizes into the waiting jaws of TEST and the Triangles. Then they come into Help chat and cry and scream about how HS is dead now and bump newbros with actual questions out of the feed with their whining
People disagree as the market clearly shows. Even Rens and Dodixie are sloping down further and faster than before. The MER also shows that all the hubs depending on Jita are losing market coverage faster and faster. The next MER will be even more interesting to see.
I find it hilarious that so many players speak about hisec players as if they are one monolithic group. In my alliance we had people who wanted Niarja to fall to break things up (I was one of them) and others that wanted to defend it, plus quite a few who were utterly indifferent, and that is an AG alliance.
CODE had people on both sides of the fence too, I am aware of a couple of gankers who were very upset at Niarja falling.
I think most players will adapt, but I find it both sad and amusing that so many people keep doing lemming jumps into Niarja.
It’s no surprise though, CCP put a warning on the login screen when the first Burn Jita happened, people still blindly sailed into the kill-zone; they’re still doing it too.
well if ccp thinks that nonpvp HS players will be able to get into Niajri and regain it they are wrong, The typical nonpvp HS players have no chance against the chinease capital
lost is lost i agree, then due on this sistem pvp players and nullsec corps are taking advantage of this nullsec status, same should be dono from endecom\ concord to shoot at sight all the Empires traitors that are supporting triglavian invasion with shoot at sight at gates. so it’s for my little opinion balanced. also in endecom fortress all players with standing >0 with triglavian should suffer loss of ship and capsule.