Was I killed in High-Sec by a player using propagation software?

First thing is check the logs from the start, if more than five start shooting in a one second tick they may be botting, if it is more than seven in that first tick they are definitely botting. Ah I see that people are saying 7 within one second, that is highly suspicious and close to the limit of fast fingers.

It is perfectly fine to ask the GM this question, don’t let anyone put you off, ask the GM to clarify if they are operating in the rules if at any time you see five or more within the same one second starting tick.

Have a scout and listen to the advice on better tanking and overheating. These type of losses hurt and to your credit it does not seem to have put you off. o7


Well, the most important lesson you have learned yourself: When moving around expensive stuff, always scout the route for camps. 20+ gankers in Local are clearly visible, especially when you have set all the known ganker groups red (which isn’t exactly witchcraft, zkill tells you all you need to know).

If you see them, don’t jump in. Or make sure you bring enough support (aka cooperate with other players) to actually bust their camp.

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What if you have 6 kids a cat and a dog?

Hey bud, could you please let me know how to approach a GM with this question? How to not make it seem like I am not here to over rule their first and final decision but trying to get more clarity on the kill? Any ideas would be appreciated.

I understand and I will try my best to co-operate with others around me.

I can’t do that.

But what I can do with a topic like this is tell you who will reply, what they will say, and how much rage they will project at each other. A little late on this thread to do that, now.

But next time you want to post a contentious topic, let me know before you hit send and we’ll see how well my predictions match the reality. It’ll be fun.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Well so far all adults here seem to be ignoring one person’s comments. It has not been dramatic and I would keep ignoring all senseless comments. I am not against trying your idea but it is what it is! :slight_smile:

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dont forget the tags

Did you attach the logs to your petition?

I had it as being 5 +/- 2 as being possible with the logging system, if you had 7 then 7 and then 7 as in the first second the second second and the third second I would say bot. The thing is that GM’s when questioned will sometimes tell you no, or raise it. I would not be worried about upsetting them, in my experience GM’s sometimes get it wrong.

You could ask them to tell you a realistic number per second for fast clicking, maybe their brain switches into gear and they will say hold on, sometimes happens.

Yes, I attached the logs. I attached the same screenshot. Would sending an in-game mail work?

You need to ask in the same petition, it has been a while since I last did a petition, I think it is on the website that you do that. You can reply to the GM when he replied to you.

Mind you that ganker is worth 500+bil or trillions :sweat_smile:

You filed for reimbursement and the answer was “nope”. That has nothing to do with claiming the attacker is using broadcast software or not.

You’re not being entirely honest here, at all.

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Guys. TL;DR but do your research.
Newest versions of Eve-o-preview allow you change client with one key press.
You pre-heat and activate guns on all clients → you pre tag or add to contacts the target → target appears on grid/overview → you tab → click → tab → click mouse being on the same place in your screen.
It’s fast. It’s effective. It’s done under 2 seconds.


I see what you mean. I should edit my main post. It does not reflect for what I submitted the request. Thanks for calling it out. My intentions were not to make it seem like I reported the player. My intentions were different and you are fair to call it out but I will be honest. I was NOT trying to spin this into a witch hunt.

I see a ban on the horizon with my crystal ball

To add one more point, I stated that the player may be using broadcasting software and the was the reason I used for my reimbursement. This is how it was tied to my reimbursement ticket.

The thing is that you asked for reimbursement which he refused, so you cannot re-petition on that as a reimbursement. In terms of the question whether the ganker was using input software the GM should have checked that aspect, seven does seem questionable to me, so I doubt he did his job at all. You could raise a new one asking whether that was input software, but I would tell you that CCP are hopeless at policing input software abuse, so it is not really worth your while.

I think at this point you are not going to get anywhere with it and best take it on the chin.

Also please delete that image of the ticket, they might ban you from the forum for it.

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I thought you would do that, you like rubbing salt into open wounds don’t you!

Some people just like being jerks because they think it’s “edgy and cool”.