📈 We Raise NPC Standings: Lower Broker/Relist Fees ★ Access Epic Arcs + Mission/R&D Agents ★ And More!

Hello, I stumbled into this thread as I’m looking into getting multiple corp standings up as I play the game. I was wondering why it costs hundreds of millions to only get the standing to 3.0? I’ve not played very long, but I can get it up to that point fairly quickly myself. I’ve got no doubt that other people can do it twice as quickly as I.

Just curious as I was looking at getting my corp rep standings up quicker, of course the upper echelons look fairly priced for what they are.


Sent in game mail 8 days ago, contracted isk to Imiarr Timshae up front. Still awaiting a reply. Please respond.

Am doing so now - as above - CCP removing Eve Gate made my life difficult in terms of remotely dealing with things. Such a shame. Thanks for your patience.

Maybe you could consider using this external Evemail client for catching up out of game.

Very good service, took 1 week or so to get up to 8 into a corp standing

I sent an evemail a few days ago. Waiting to hear back.

Still around mate? In all honesty considering demand, you could up your price😉

Excellent and prompt service, without any glitches!
Thanks a lot Imiarr!
Raised my standings from 0 to 5 in very little time and without complications!

Been waiting for a response for about a week…

CCP removed Eve Gate. I do not have a smartphone that supports the app. I have not yet looked into 3rd party solutions but I am generally quite untrusting. Sorry! Maybe Pearl Abyss will fund a new Eve Gate before they destroy the game with ridiculous microtransactions? :slight_smile:

Id suggest neocom II if you have an iphone as thats how I’ve been incontact with you through my alt :slight_smile:

at first it took a while to get in touch with Imiarr but once the first emails got exchanged it all warked out pretty quick.
great service


Was sending mail on Imiarr Timshae from Wheelin’ Dealin’ Dickey 4 days ago… still waiting answer.

Is this Service still active @Imiarr_Timshae ?

Lookd like not=(

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We’re still in business, forum thread was locked due to inactivity and it took 5 months for the community team (lol) to unlock it again :slight_smile:

awesome guy, helped me with a ton of tips !