Phoenix Resurgence. we are reborn of the ashes of what we once were and are here to Rise Up! We are a group full of fun peeps who love PvP. We are part of Razor Alliance part of Phoenix Coalition in null sec. Very few blues so you are not part of the big blue donut. Big alliances and coalitions can sometimes be restrictive but here in WiBrn we understand that this is a game and we want YOU to have fun playing YOUR game.
Our primary focus is PvP but we also have industrialists and pve and exploration options available. We like to have a fun time and lots of laughs and I can promise you, it is never boring here XD
WiBrn corp has fleet commanders who have experience in large scale pvp, small gang roams, and black ops fleets. We have null sec sov with lots of options for you to play how you want to play your game. WiBrn play not just eve online but other games together we are a gaming family. We also like to play with our capitals. One such kill is this Hel Kill
-15m skillpoints
-Microphone Capable
-Authed on Seat
-PvP Focused
If you are interested come have a chat with us in WiBrn Public or send PsaiWi Nenothu a message ingame. You can also send me a message via discord psaiwinenothu I will see and be able to answer discord messages quicker.