Welcome your new CSM

Very true. Keep that in mind that we are just one path. Ask Rixx, he has worked hard and made a difference and not been csm (yet)

I was just saying to someone today that the only way I leave Eve is a death, mine or the games. And I have instructions for my daughter to dispose of my assets (plex for good) should it be me.

Momma always said I should give more than a hunnerd percent. But then she warnt that good a math.

Must have been a secret ballot . . . because I think I was #10 on the public good ballot . . . once. But thank you for your input.

I never can spell that word without having to runs to the dictionary. Well done.

I am just that damn good (and efficient, 150% and all that)

Double check, apparently it is possible to be both without knowing.

Orca, Fartsniffer, and others who may hate me? Don’t ever change. I enjoy this part of the game as well.
