What Actually Is Eve Online?

Eve online is an ongoing online social experiment for people that are a bit wonky that happen to have too much money and/or time.

If you had asked what is Eve, I could have linked this fantastic tune Ëvë

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Hey I’m not wonky! I’m just a bit… eccentric :smile_cat:

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So you’re a fancy version of wonky


We’re all just dust. Dust that thinks it matters. Gankers blaze through life, their legacy nothing more than the debris of their conquests—a stark reminder that chaos is never more than a warp away.

Then there are the industrialists, the dreamers who think they can impose order on chaos, crafting empires from blueprints like they’re playing god.

And the miners? Oh, they’re the grand jest of this cosmic farce, eternally toiling upwards, harboring the hope that, perhaps this time, they won’t be crushed under the weight of their endeavors. Yet, invariably, they are. Because, see, the universe craves its sacrifices. It demands that someone stoke the fires, that there be a lowest tier upon which all else is built.

This cycle of destruction and rebirth, the inflation and the cost of ships—it’s all just an elaborate ruse. A game where entities, fooled into believing they’re more than mere data, play at being significant. They fail to see that they’re merely cogs in the chaos, not its conquerors.

What is EVE Online?

It’s a cruel mirror, reflecting our true nature when stripped bare of pretense.

We are not the rulers of this or any universe.

But, in our shared illusions, we glimpse the possibility of something greater.


I’m eating these bad boys :popcorn:

I do agree with your logic, in the real world most of the cost of goods sold is due to the cost of transport. The cost is there no matter the terms. FOB Shipping Point and FOB Destination doesn’t really matter much. Shipping point the wholesale buyer has to make the arrangements and shipping costs. Meanwhile they won’t eat these costs, they get directly transferred to the markup of the product sold.

CCP isn’t out there mining for you yet. However, I would suspect they would develop NPC market bots to handle shortages, if they arose in the future. I recall PUBG did this when players no longer filled the server queues. This is something that can only be done in a virtual world. In the real world we cannot just print product when needed. For now CCP relies upon the large mining and industrial corps to fill the markets. They have the revolving door of alpha players who come in mine a bit. get bored, leave, and another comes in to take their place. When the inflow of alphas wanes they post more videos on social media.

I don’t know, if you belong to a massive mining corp or just solo mine as I do. While I agree 100% with the logic behind your argument, the fact is online games are not bound by any logic. When physical laws of supply and demand are broken, they can simply shore up the market when needed.

Have fun!

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Maybe CCP should stop shoring up the market with minerals and make the interaction more life like, rather more aligned with Risk vs Reward.

In this case, taking out the auto population of ores and minerals on the market and make the reward more profitible for miners and risk for attacking miners more adverse for the market would be a better regulatory move.

Maybe more players would build defense fleets to protect miners knowing that if the mining game went under, then so does Eve Online, until the ore and minerals on the market returned to normal.

Other areas that players can learn valuable office skills could be the Accountant role. The Accountant roll would teach players how to manage ISK like the account does in real life. Then there is the Auditor role whole coordinates with the Accountant to ensure assets on hand are accounted for and current market value is being maintained in ledgers.

So there are real world skills that can be learned in Eve Online, even for a small corp of 50 players.

What proof do you have that this is going on? Ores and Minerals on the market are all player harvested as can be seen with orders with less than 90 days. (NPC orders have 365 day length and only exist for commodities).

The numerous times I had popped a Diamond NPC Retriever or Venture, they had next to nothing in their wrecks, so I think they are there out on the asteroid belt for content.

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I roam Null Sec looking for -1.0 systems to rat in. Very rarely do I come across any mining vessels. Mining vessels used to be found everywhere, in nearly every single system. Belt mining seems to have been replaced by moon mining. More moon mining means less ganker targets which equates to more profit for the moon miner and less loss.

That’s not proof of CCP spawning ore or minerals to the market. There are thousands of systems, you aren’t always going to find what you are looking for. Most of the mining only happens in a few regions anyways, just need one look at the MER to figure that our.

Nothing would happen in Eve at all without miners especially, and traders too. So it’s extremely important.

In such a scenario, CCP would have to populate the market with minerals and ores. Such an experiment would be a rather grand feat to try.

Calm down miner.

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I’m not saying that mining isn’t important, but your claims that CCP is stocking the market is without merit. Show us the proof, not your feelings.

I simply stated they could, if need be. There wouldn’t be much, if any proof at all. They already have NPC miners, I have no proof these are selling the ore they collect. To the best of my knowledge, they are just targets to PvE when the players are absent.

NPC corporations also exist, I would have to say, the day we find an NPC corp buying and selling goods on the market would be some proof. To the best of my knowledge, this isn’t occuring yet as I stated above.

You say that a lot. :grin:
Maybe you should get a taser gun?

She’s the only one allowed to write it. Should put ™ at the end of it so people know not to write it. No one warned me. Should be a sticky thread explaining the whole thing so new members can be made aware.

Anyway, @Aiko_Danuja hugs

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Aiko i’m warning you to not trust this one…

Eve Online is also a social media platform that brings together people from all over the planet to immense them in the same gameflow.

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Buddy, they’re operating under the same branch of insanity. The best solution is just tank the ever loving hell out of your ships and avoid them the best you can.

This is a sandbox and by shifting the sand in favour of achieving the desired outcome of your strategy isn’t about removing the sand from the box.

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