What Actually Is Eve Online?

For the Criminal Ganker and Short Lived PvPer’s, Eve Online is nothing more than bash, grab and sell.

But for the Industrialist, Eve Online is about learning the manufacturing process from the bottom atom that combines with other atoms to create steels that go into building numerous components. There is a lot of entry level manufacturing, from the basic mining frigate to the moon mining arrays that make Eve Online possible.

Miners are not lazy. If miners were lazy Eve Online wouldnt exist. So for all of the Criminal Gankers who attack mining ships for whatevet reason, YOU’RE the reason for inflation and increased cost of ships.

The more mining ships that are destroyed, the price to replace those mining ships, goes up, as the owner of the mining ship has to charge more to cover the loss and still make a profit while competing with other miners.


So much the better, at least the value of my assets is increasing.

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It’s a couple of years old, but I think it’s a pretty good summary.


EvE Online



The owner of the mining ship doesn’t get to decide what prices are locally available for ore…he has to sell at whatever price buyers are offering. So you have it bass ackwards.


EvE Online is a digital world where PvPers mine the tears of PvErs.

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I prefer to think of EVE as a cycle, miners get resources for industrialists, who make ships for PvPers (yes that includes gankers) who destroy the miners, who buy more mining ships so the cycle can repeat. It’s a complicated cycle, with a lot of branches, but it’s a cycle nonetheless.


What actually is EVE Online?

This is EVE - Uncensored (youtube.com)

Still the greatest.


Cry more.


I have yet to see a valid argument from you. I understand that salt is funny and the proper response sometimes, and I know you’re just going to tell me “cry more”, but I’d appreciate an actual response at some point. Please, I want to be able to have an actual discussion with you, because I’m sure you have something intelligent to say.


When you stop crying, I will say something else.


That’s what I say to my 6y/o when she has a tantrum at the store. I know it bugs the sh- out of everybody but I figure if they entered the store they’ve consented to my way of shopping.


Ah, that would explain why some have so many problems…


Yes, they are now days. You have no idea way back when, when it was necessary to guard our mining fleet, or how many hours I spent doing that just to get ships for cost.

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Yes, Eve Online is full of sarcastic care bears. Those who just want to put a quarter in the machine and pew, pew space invaders ships. That is understandable. But the true base of Eve Online is the processes that go into developing and building ships and all other sorts of market things, just like in the real world. Just like in the real world, someone has to mine and harvest ores and crops that go into steel spaceships and Tweek-o Chips. The processes involved may seem tedious and boring for most, but for those exceptional few who love graphs and math and schedules involved with building their empires ships, that is a real-world skill and knowledge base that is employable in the real world or least gives you an edge up when asked and no one else can deliver.

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Mining and doing industry are two different things. When someone says mining, they literally mean the act of mining itself, not stuff that isn’t mining.

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Mining is part of industry.

Eve Online also creates innovation and ways to create work arounds.

For example, one place I worked at had like 30 very large presses that made pill bottles and pill bottle lids. The company couldnt afford 30 extra workers due to the cost overruns involved of having to pay to 30 workers at least $10 an hour, if not more, because the cost of profit was reduced to labor thus causing the companies profit to not be very much.

So what did the company do? For those 30 presses, a vacuum system was created to first vacuum the parts from the machine that then funnelled the parts where the parts needed to go. No more clogs at the machine.

No more having to pay extra people to box up the parts or move the parts to another location and then stage and all of the extras involved. Cost of manufacturing is reduced, the customer is happy.


It can be part of something and still be it’s own thing.
Mining is part of the Resource Extraction Industry. That’s a different activity than Manufacturing, which is also part of Industry.
The word “industry” encompasses several activities from Extraction of materials to Manufacturing and even Shipping.

  1. Nah, that’s mostly driven by the price (and availability) of isogen, and by the changes to faction and t1 bs bp’s.
  2. When demand (e.g. for certain hulls) picks up then supply (i.e. building and caches) will (try to) pick up, if only to grab some of that extra isk. As supply increases so does competition between vendors, which usually leads to decrease of prices.
  3. Profit margins are razor thin for most important hulls, due to the MPI, increased taxes, and the fact that there’s barely any market for intermediate products (again due to changes to bp’s)
  4. The price of mining ships will hardly have any influence at all on the mineral prices (hence the price of the mining hulls going up). The volume of lost mining ships is simply too small for an effect mid- to long-term.
  5. We players have been slow to adjust to redistribution, especially for the mid-value minerals, and to adjust to the need for moon goo to build a t1 bs nowadays, instead of using standard minerals exclusively. Where we did manage to adapt is for the most part sufficient to fill the needs for pvp purposes. In other words, there is not enough surplus coming from e.g., nullsec into hisec to bring back the prices to more reasonable levels.

This has absolutely nothing to do with (miner) ganking.

If you love innovation unconditionally, then perhaps you are one of the few who enjoy the new production schemes for anyhing above simple t1 battlecruisers. It certainly “fixed” the economy. For complaints >>> CCP. They were the origin of this innovative way to increase the price for any hull that matters.

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Nah…you have it bass ackwards.

The entire driving force behind the Eve economy is destruction. Without that destruction, there would be no need for new ships. Thus it is pew pew and destruction that fuels the engine of the Eve economy, and without which there simply would not be any economy. With no destruction and no need for new ships and modules…there would be no need to mine, and no need for industry. The economy would grind to a halt, because nobody would be buying anything.

Thus pew pew is the real driving force behind Eve…and is the apex and pinnacle of the economy. Everything else is just a service industry for that force. Just like in the real world, people have to ‘consume’ in order to have an economy. Consumption in Eve is of ships, modules, etc, being destroyed.