What would you tell your past self on their first day of EVE Online?

You would have loved the learning skills :slight_smile:


Sheesh…how many months did it take you to train Advanced Contrarian Level V ? Did you do up to Level V in ‘Arguing Just For The Sake Of It’ as well ?

Oh, please. Don’t act like learning skills were a big deal. All you had to do was click the button in Evemon to calculate them into your plan. Are we better off without them, yes, but don’t whine about them like they were a problem when it was once click of a button to solve.


The more annoying part was the 2am skill changes because no skill queue.

Takes almost 20 years in retail, mostly closing liquor stores and graveyard shifts in gas stations, to develop this level of intolerance towards stupidity. Most don’t last that long before going completely insane.

Is that what you wanted to hear?


No, I was just wondering if English was your first language, as you seem to have major problems with comprehending someone merely asking for a few more important skills ( such as Signature Analysis ) being added to the ‘Magic 14’.

Oh, and it doesn’t take more than 20 minutes for all 4 of the Level 1 for armour layering to be completed. There is no good reason for not doing it.

Of course, I realise its Eve Forums…full of people with Level V in ’ I can’t bear the idea that anyone comprehends the game better than I do '.

I have comprehension issues? Why can’t you comprehend the Magic 14 are the skills that apply universally to all ships in equal measure? Yes, armor skills work on shield ships, but as for equal application across the board, armor compensation skills are wasted on a shield ship, that’s why they’re not in the Magic 14.

There’s a very good reason. Because Level 1 of 4 different armor skills is going to absof*ckinglutely nothing to the effectiveness of your shield frigate, and do a piddling towards the effectiveness of your armor frigate. You can justify that training on an armor ship as a step to higher levels, but that’s minimum level 3, which is about a day for all 4 of those, quite long to a day one player.

Also, it’s idiotic for a day 1 player to train all 4 of those armor skills even if they fly an armor ship, because the rats they’re dealing with the first couple days are essentially only doing two damage types.

You don’t have the ability to perform the basic reasoning that I provided above, but you think you comprehend this game better than me? Oh, that’s hilarious. Tell me you actually believe that, I need a good laugh.


This game is hard enough for new players without people giving them bad advice.

You completely, and somewhat deliberately, missed the point in your eagerness to show off. I’m talking about an extended Magic 14 that caters for the things people need to train after they’ve done the basic skills. Skills such as Signature Analysis also apply to most ships, and make a big difference. People need a training scheme that goes beyond Magic 14.

Quite why you are blathering on about whether a person flies Caldari or Amarr is silly, as the extended version could take account of armour or shield ships. It’s just the usual forum case of someone setting up a straw man to argue with.

This isn’t the sort of thing that puts people off Eve. The irony is it’s snide know-all responses like yours that put people off Eve. The toxicity of the ’ I know everything about everything and how dare anyone question me’.

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No you’re not. You’re just now adding that to move the goal post when you’re losing the argument.

Also, Signature Analysis is part of the Magic 14. It includes 2 Targeting skills, Long Range Targeting and Signature Analysis.

You’re in such a rush to prove me wrong you didn’t even look at the list, did you?


What’s that say, 4th from the bottom there?

Oh, the irony of calling me a know-it-all, while acting like a know-it-all, while actually not even knowing the topic you’re pretending to know everything about.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Please, stop. My sides are starting to hurt from laughing at you.

And what’s stopping them from making one on their own that fits their play style?

There are more that should be added. Sheesh…why are you so toxically determined to argue against that ? More people are put off by such toxicity than could ever be put off by ‘bad advice’. The irony !

I find it’s easier to just train every skill in the game on one toon, but I’ve also had 18 years to do it…

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Here, I’ll let CCP explain it. Maybe they can dumb it down enough for you to understand. I’m not wasting anymore of my time on you.


As far as the original question goes, I would have told myself to hoard PLEX when it was cheap, and buy as many Orcas as I could when they were only 500 million.


Now imagine what those of us who have had over a decade to build multiple characters are capable of. :innocent:

Probably the same thing that’s stopping them creating their own Magic 14. People don’t know what they don’t know. I’m simply arguing that Magic 14 should not stop at 14…as there’s then a tendency for noobs to thing they’ve done all that needs doing.

Good choice.



Lol…I genuinely have to laugh at your self-declared ‘winning’ of some non-existent argument. Where was I arguing ? I was simply stating that Magic 14 should be extended…before you butted in with your toxicity. And then you have the sheer gall to pretend you’re trying to prevent people being put off Eve…lol.

Your sort of responses exemplify what puts people off Eve.

I was thinking about this thread earlier, and while my first answer of “learn what a pap is” still stands, I think I thought of something more important:

Patience, grasshopper.

More than anything, newbros come into our corp and seem to expect to be able to fly the big ships sooner rather than later. They don’t understand the immensity of the skill tree, and it’s difficult to impress upon them a need for patience. Don’t get addicted to the skill injectors. Don’t get addicted to wallet tanking.

I’ve seen players receive large sums of ISK up front, and it ruins their experience because they haven’t had to work for what they get. Almost universally, those guys quit. The ones who get addicted to wallet tanking get bored more easily, and most of those guys quit, or worse, they come to ruin because they can’t stop themselves.

You must learn to live within your means, skill-wise. Learn to like flying what you can fly while your other skills train. There’s nothing wrong with budgeting your ISK for a Skill Injector now and again; I just bought two of them last night for a fleet I wanted to be on. There’s nothing wrong with a little wallet tanking; I’ve done that, too.

The important thing is to avoid the mentality of instant gratification. This is a game that can and probably should teach you a certain amount of patience, and an appreciation for working for your achievements, whether that’s the ISK in your wallet, the ships in your hangars, the killmarks on those ships, or anything else in New Eden.

Given the sheer difference that locking speed can make, its worth ( for example ) training the 7 days or so to get Electronics Upgrades V and then be able to fit T2 signal amplifier. These things are not automatically intuitive, especially where skills rely on other skills, or fitted modules can actually lower the effect of skills…for example cloak reducing scan resolution. There’s no real prescribed path beyond Magic 14, as is illustrated by the sheer number of badly fitted ships that get ganked.

Thank you everyone for your replies, I am very grateful for your contribution. I believe we have something quite beautiful developing here.

@Altara_Zemara @Your_Ex-Girlfriend Thank you for being here, I like what you two have to say. I must ask you however to calm down, because you see, the last thread was closed against my will due to off-topic posting taking over, and I really want this thread to flourish. You understand my worries?

Perhaps you two can agree to disagree. Or alternatively discuss the merits of the magic 14 skill plan in a different thread. I would prefer it if you found common ground and got along with eachother, that would be my wish.

With humble regards
-James Fuchs


I would tell my past self to start stealing loot sooner. :innocent:


Oh by the way…

Maybe you should buy a forum posting permit for 1 bil ISK from Frostpacker. :blush:

goo study rather than play eve