What would you tell your past self on their first day of EVE Online?

What would it be?

With interstellar regards
-James Fuchs

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She’s just playing games.

Buy Apple shares.


Just remember that Princess Aiko is an illusion :popcorn:


"Yes, you are correct - your psychic powers will give you a huge advantage, and you are the greatest player in the history of EvE Online. "


Are you saying Aiko is just the product of your imagination? :thinking:

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Read Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and find the Guide’s entry on the Population of the Universe.


“It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is also zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.”


That’s one convoluted way of insulting the Frostpacker, I guess fitting his theme as a form of wordsalad. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

“Good players are going to offer you opportunities you may never get again. Take them.”


About that offer I made to double your isk…



Who ever your EX is, tell them that they are an idiot.

/ie go back in the past and tell them that they are an idiot for breaking up with you!

That if you have 0 capacitor the ship won’t explode automatically.


Learn what a pap is, because it governs everything, for better or worse.

Make an offering to Bob.

Don’t bother. It’s a lose-lose situation.

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I’d focus far more on generic rather than ship specific skills. And not necessarily the ‘Magic 14’. Skills like signal analysis make a huge difference…you can halve the time it takes to lock onto other ships, for example. The full set of armour layering skills also make a huge difference to EHP for amour ships. A lot of these are things people don’t know even after a year in Eve.

Except the whole reason to train the Magic 14 first, as a new player, is because you don’t know what ship you want to fly, and this gives you beneficial training while you figure it out. Ship specific training only works on alts that you know exactly what they’re going to be doing. Why train Armor Layering if you’re flying Caldari?

“Biomass this toon NOW and start again as Caldari; you will like missiles and eventually CCP will gimp railguns anyway”

I didn’t say the Magic 14 was pointless, only that it should really be the Magic 30 or 40 as I suspect a lot of people complete the Magic 14 and then look no further.

Altara has a Navy Augoror and is fully trained in the armour skills and gets 85K EHP in that ship. My noob Omega got into the identical ship and had just 57K EHP. The difference was entirely those armour layering skills. Most noobs would not realise just how big a difference it makes.

I’ve flown Caldari, Ammar, Gallente, etc right from the start.

Well, hopefully you don’t actually give this ridiculous advice to new players. Nothing like wasting a couple weeks training when you’re brand new to turn people off the game.