What would you tell your past self on their first day of EVE Online?

I’d say turn around and leave…

But then again I have had some brilliant times at meets around the country and Fanfest, so I’m torn.

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Yeah this.

Go get laid with as many as possible instead too.

Fly drunk, fly Rifters

Generally in terms of my tenure in EVE: nevermind avatars, walk away when you’ve had enough of missions and mining. CCP doesn’t wants your kind, never did, and never will.

Specifically for my starter mistakes: bigger ships meet bigger threats and you’ll lose them the same. Wait until you’re flooring smaller ship content and have every skill at IV. Also ship fitting is what defines the ship power, not the hull.

This would have saved me several months of frustration with my first char…

And the former would have saved me literal years of subscription and disappointment.


The fun goes away, piece by piece until one day you will realize the game is worse than a full-time job that you hate showing up for every day.


First day wisdoms


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Uninstall it as played to many hrs since 2005 and i think of all the stuff i should have done like go outside lol


yeah I’d say “your about to sink about 19 odd years into this game, dont do it.”

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Complete lie. It is public knowledge that winning EVE is the easiest thing in the world.

All you have to do is quit for good. :wink:


Now actually doing that might not be as easy though. :eyes:




Dont eat a hotdog with a blue vein running through it.


“Instead of fiercely hoarding ISK and constantly fearing gankers or losing your ship - just play, don’t fear a virtual loss, at least you’ll have something to remember”.

This I would say to myself.

It’s a shame it turned out differently. Now I have a couple of billion ISK, a hangar full of dusty cool ships and zero motivation to play because I got burned out with pointless ISK grind.


So had you ever thought about roleplay then as your endgame?

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Are you suggesting he could roleplay he is rage quitting EVE? :thinking: :upside_down_face: :blush:

You do not want that from Frostpacker

IN fact we are securing the Christmas bonus drops this evening

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Coincidentally @Aiko_Danuja might be doing the same. :smirk: :innocent: :popcorn:

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Are you insinuating that our Princess may forgive me?

Close, but more likely to forget …deliberately. :blush:

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I’m fine if we had never met.

Actually I’m just grateful for what Princess taught us


What would you tell your past self on their first day of EVE Online?

Start a skill training.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses: