White Star Holding INC

https://white-star-industries.squarespace.com/ If using the website, dictate which wing you wish to join.
White Star Holding Inc. is a premier Asset Protection and Loss Prevention organization managed by White Star Industries and Manufacturing.

W.S.H.I is currently accepting pilots for:
PvE : T4 groups, Abyssals
PvP: Wormhole Roams, Defensive PvP, Piracy Interdiction.

Benefits include:
Reimbursement package for flying approved craft during Fleet Ops
T1 Starter Ships
Fleet Attendance Pay
Non-Toxic, Non-micromanaged environment
Newbro friendly, Veteran Friendly
Open discourse
Mature community!

Discord required for all Fleet Ops.
EVE-HR Required.

Apply today or contact Kale Wess, Tailen Ta-Nolen, Jorasz, or Alex White-star in game.

Actively seeking interdictor, logi, and BC pilots!

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