{WHNE's} Recruting

WH Nebulas Expeditions {WHNE}'s
We are inviting new and old players to share experience and opinions in order to grow through time. Our main objective is simple enjoy ur way in the corp and dont let ur actions come against us.Real Life will come always first.Be resonable when orders come from the CEO and nothing else.

Main Activities;

  1. WH Exploration_&_Operations
  2. Mining-Hauling Industrialism Services.

So if your looking for somewhere friendly, and dedicated ur search stops here.

“EvE’s World is endless its secret are waiting to be revealed join us in this quest.”

*Recruitment Staus: Invitation Only
**Public Channel: {-WHNE-}'s JunkYard

Notice: Tax Rate at 2.5% purpose is only for fuel cost for our engineering facilities .

Notice: Greek Players are most wellcome

Still Loooking!!!

I am here

Good for u join the channel today i ll send you invitation

Fly safe Mitso

Hey buddies!

I am a new player (3 days playing so far) looking to get into the industry aspect of the game (mining seems interesting to me).
However, I am not in any corporation yet and I would like to join yours because I am also Greek :slight_smile:

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