Inferno Rage Heavy Assault missile II BPO
Starting at 40b

X-Large Shield Booster II BPO
Starting at 100b (sold)

List High, sell low.

Well, I’d be happy to get your evaluation if you think the prices are too high. Going from earlier sales, yearly profit, profit/h, ROI, marketvolume, ease of production etc. thats the ballpark number i get. I’m always open for reasonable suggestions.

Offering 75 for both. (was 85: Thought large booster)

What would be your offer for just the Missile bpo?

30b for the Missile bpo

Last one sold for 35b 4d ago…

thats why my offer is 30b… lmao

Last sold by me for 35b after I spent over a week exhausting most possible buyers to find one.

I’ll go 31b and I probably will sell it for 35b again, but it’ll take weeks if not months. This is an offer for 31b isk today.

XL-SB BPO sold
Gonna wait a bit and see if there are any other offers for the HAM BPO.



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