WTB avatar pilot

WTB char can fly avatar

I will be looking to sell this Avatar Pilot once his Avatar (on contract) has been sold, what price are you looking to pay, this toon has Doomsday skills to V, Titan to V, Weapon spec skills to IV etc.

-Note I’ve never sold a toon before so I’m learning all the in’s and outs as I go

1 - Wallet balance is 100M
2 - No current Kill rights
3 - No current Jump clones
4 - Currently located in Amamake Public Keepstar
5 - 813,000 Unallocated SP
6 - Training Pod (+4’s)

This toon also has the following Avatar skins.

your link isn’t working.

My apologies try this

also the characters Tar has sold so the toon is now available for purchase


Make it 32B and I won’t bother with the process of making a personal post

just woke up, deal, who should i PM
EDIT: just make a private sale thread would’t take u 3 min, im on for the next 10 hours

Made a public thread and you can DM / In game message this character

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