WTB Born 2003 character with low SP

WTB Born 2003 character with low SP

1 trillion isk

Bump :slight_smile:

Bump :slight_smile:

Bump :slight_smile:

bump :slight_smile:

None? :slight_smile:

Still looking :slight_smile:

Bump :slight_smile:

Got 2 2005 DOB 1male 1 female

Bump :slight_smile:

Arden Deke

3.5 M SP

Price for character ?

Bump :slight_smile:

One of the longest standing if not the longest starter corp chars with an amazing 874,540 SP lol

Been in starter corp longer then some players have been alive haha

Bump :slight_smile:

How much you offering?

6 billion isk


967,918 SP

Please post with Reets character

I would like to make a offer of 6 billion isk for Reets character