[wtb] c3 with hs or ls static

Looking to buy a C3 with hs static preferred, but low sec also okay. Let’s see what’s available.

I have a C3 wormhole with a High static. I also have a fully anchored Domination Large POS (and online, with Weapons and defense systems) I am willing to sale the Wormhole and the setup all if your interested. I recently moved to a C4.

Mail me in game if your interested or start convo with me.

If you’re still looking I have a C3 With HS static.

For sale, C3 (J223109) with HS static (D845), Empty apart from 1 Dead Stick and POCO’s (3rd Party).
Good PI - http://eveplanets.com/eve/system/index/show/J2231094
86 Moons - Great for upcoming refinery changes
Cataclysmic Effect

In game mail for more details / offers

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