WTB Exhumer Pilot

As the title states I’m looking to buy a well skilled exhumer pilot. Decent shield skills. Also if they can fly a prospect do reactions and some production that will be good. My list of priorities is as follows:

Exhumers>prospect>Reactions>gas huffing>T2 production.

Let set a budget, say 45b.

I think you will be interest in me.

Exhumers V
Expedition Frigates (Prospect) V
Reactions IV
Mass Reactions IV
Gas Cloud Harvesting IV
Advanced Industry III
Advanced Mass Production III

I also have 2M in unallocated SP so you can make this exactly what you would like. Just let me know how much this is worth to you.

I’ll offer 15b

How about 19B?

I little more than I was thinking, I’ll look for a bit. Anyways, bump.

Thanks for the bump. If you want to meet in the middle, just let me know. I could let you have him unless there a adequate bid before your reply.

TOLAMUCIEMKCUf1 has been sold. Best wishes finding a toon!


Still looking.

Still looking.

How about me per Quantum Anomaly
not only max Exhumer but also max Prospect skills, with gas cloud huffing to 5! I have had an offer but while that is in limbo with transfer of funds not yet received, I’m happy to take 40 bill.

unallocated skills 1 165 296 for your fine tuning convenience

Hey sorry ive been offline for a few days, ill log in to send you that here soon.