WTB Mining Crystal II BPO's

Still looking for a few

Another day, another bump!

Still looking!

Still looking for more crystal BPOs!


Another day, another ISK

Bought a few, still looking for a few!


Mails recieved, mails sent. Let me know!

Bought another one, still looking!


Still Buying!

Arkonor Mining Crystal II Blueprint
Bistot Mining Crystal II Blueprint
Crokite Mining Crystal II Blueprint
Dark Ochre Mining Crystal II Blueprint
Gneiss Mining Crystal II Blueprint
Hedbergite Mining Crystal II Blueprint
Hemorphite Mining Crystal II Blueprint
Jaspet Mining Crystal II Blueprint
Kernite Mining Crystal II Blueprint
Mercoxit Mining Crystal II Blueprint
Omber Mining Crystal II Blueprint
Plagioclase Mining Crystal II Blueprint
Pyroxeres Mining Crystal II Blueprint
Scordite Mining Crystal II Blueprint
Spodumain Mining Crystal II Blueprint
Veldspar Mining Crystal II Blueprint

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Up Up Up!

Still buying!

Bought one today, still looking for more!


Up Up Up!


Still looking!

Another Bump To The Top!!!