WTB Rorqual Pilot

Hello all!

I’m browsing the market for the following:

  1. Looking for a focused Rorqual pilot(if it’s focused but not completely ready I’ll take a look).

Not looking to spend over 25B on that

Show me what you got!

bump - still looking for a focused Rorqual pilot!

https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Serebro_Miromme. 123

pw: 111



27 billion

Bump - still looking.

25 billion

ill take it right now for 23B if that works for you I can send isk asap

Also if you do agree to sell it to me please create a private sell post for us - per the forum rules.

sorry character is not for sale

Still looking for a Rorq pilot. Show me what you got!


Still looking for a Rorqual pilot 25-35B

Bump to the top. Still looking for a rorqual pilot

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