August 6, 2018, 1:54pm
https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Unclevind (PW: 6554)
+5 sec status
Positive wallet
In NPC corp, check ingame if eveskillboard hasn’t updated yet
Not very focused so I’m not looking for an unreasonable amount of isk, but I won’t sell below extraction value, so consider that the minimum bid.
It has:
JDC5 with good navigation skills
Fighters 5, Heavy/Light/Support 4
Perfect drone supports
T2 Logistics configuration
Cybernetics 5
Lots of subcap skills that some might find useful in a…
Hi, I think this character has a lot of what you might be looking for (All BS at 5 for example). The tengu subsystems have to be trained for a few days though.