WTS 103m sp subcap pilot/almost Apostle ready

Aedon Tekitsu

Positive Sec status
Positive wallet
Located in HS
2 jump clones available in hs https://imgur.com/a/thOYx

1 available Kill right in this characters favour, meaning that this character being sold can attempt to kill the target unapposed by Concord.

I’ll pay transfer fee, will be using PLEX, so will be initiated via support ticket, so transfer time is at the mercy of CCP :slight_smile:

Starting bid will be 80b, should i not receive the price i want, will go through the long drawn out process of extracting skills.

Daily Bump


93 billion

93.5 :sweat_smile:

Private sale agreed in game, isk received, awaiting account details

Account details received, support ticket logged with CCP for transfer to take place

Confirming I have purchased this toon.

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