WTS 107M SP Indu/Rorq/Nag/FAX alt

I am up for sale, Indu Toon / Nag / FAX Pilot.

Postive Wallet

Positive Sec Status

In NPC corp

No killrights

Character in Jita 4-4

Start bid: 70B

B/O: 85B

Give you 60bil right now

No thx, that´s not even extraction value.

65bill offer
The char is still in a corporation

It droped corp today must be api problem check ingame



70b offer

Thank you for your offer. Will w8 a few more day´s.


75B Isk ready.

As agreed in Game mail, 80B Buy Out. Account name sent.

ISK Sent

Thank you for buying the Toon, isk received. Will send toon shortly

will send the toon as soon as possible.

OK - Thanks for update

Still waiting on Character Transfer

transfer is still down

I know transfers are still down, (almost three days now).

Just posting here to keep a record that I am still waiting for Character Transfer.