WTS 116m SP Character

116.47m SP with 367k in unallocated

Positive Wallet
No Kill rights
Sec 5.0
Jita 4-4

Starting bid - 95b

Cant view character. No permissions


Up up up.

Had to retract my offer. Hypernet got me.

can u make one ?
EVE Character Manager - Quantum Anomaly (qsna.eu)

Zaletskii Board - Quantum Anomaly (qsna.eu)

Unsure how this works so let me know if it doesn’t.

90B offer


95b offer

96B offer

Will be ending the sale in roughly 12 hours.

High bid is 96b

Will reach out to winner then.

Alright - 96B Offer accepted. Please send isk and info.

@Zaletskii ISK and mail send. Please let me know when you initiated the transfer.

Transfer initiated - enjoy.

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