WTS 117,965,019 million sp pilot

Hello ,
Im selling my character: http://eveboard.com/pilot/cleopatra_qetesh

Some great skills it has :

Battleship lvl 5 on all races
All T2 weapons small to large.
Logi lvl 5.
Recon lvl 5.
Jump Drive Calibration and Jump Drive Operation lvl 5.
Cyno lvl 5.
Dreads and carrier skills as well mixed lvls

And much much more.


Pilot located in HS
No killrights

Starting bid : 85bil
B/0 : Hidden

Make your offers here or my mail.
Ends: Monday 30th or when buy is reached.

Please clarify your current skill point total.

(Thread header 114 million, eveboard 119 million)

Fixed sorry about that


I’ll open the bidding at 100 billion.

102b offer

103b offer

104b offer



110b b/o


last call… last few hours

Mantra Jones Wins with 110 billion. sent isk and account name

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