WTS 121m+ SP Hel Chimera Carrier Capital + Supcapital PVE/PVP MONSTER


  • Wallets postivie state
  • No negative reputation values in Highsec
  • Both characters located in Jita
  • I will pay for transaction fee
  • CCP Rules apply
  • Character is in NPC Corp
  • If i see fit i may cancel any transactions selling the character at any times. There is no guarantee you will recieve the character only if ISK have been sent to character immidiatly after i agree to terms.

Capital Supcapital MONSTER:
http://eveboard.com/pilot/Silver_Flames 121m+ SP

Caldari Carrier 5
Minmatar Carrier 5
Top Missiles skills - not perfect
Top Gunnery skills - not perfect
Perfect Shield skills
and lots more

B/O 110Bil for Silver
starting bid 90Bil

auction ends 6.9.2017 or if B/O is reached

92bil for Silver Flames

98 bil for Silver

99bil fot silver flames

5 Bill Buyout for Cubi Artrald please. Thank you

6bil cubi

I am not sure how rules apply here. If B/o is reached but someone else bids higher to whom does the character go too?

6.5bil for cubi

it goes to the highest bidder… and that would be me. if you accept my offer, i can have isk send to you right now

TxivYawg1 highest bidder for Cubi. Ending Auction for Cubi. Selling to TxivYawg1. Waiting on ISK ingame

ISK ingame recieved for Cubi

isk and account info sent

Character transfer of Cubi initiated to account info recieved

I am going to report this

Section D, 2 States:

You’re are still free to file a support ticket should you feel the seller has breached the rules.

Highest bid TxivYawg1 99Bil so far.
I aggred ingame to sell the character to him but since no ISK was recieved yet character is still open for higher bids

isk and account info sent

Isk recieved . transfer in progress

Transfer Character

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Silver Flames

Will be completed after: 9/4/2017 6:54:44 AM

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