WTS 136.6m SP PVP Pilot (Sold)

SkillQ.net - Slacktician

NPC Corp
No Kill Rights
Docked in Jita High Sec
-.01 Security Status
MG Askleps/aeschee
Virtue Scanning/aeschee
HG Crystals/Hek
MG Snakes/Jita
MG Amulet/Onne



Taking offers

@Slacktician your skillq link is not publicly accessible, please re-test it with an incognito window or a different browser. If this is not resolved within 24 hours, this thread will be locked.

i think i fixed it?

Yes it’s working now @Slacktician :white_check_mark:


Would like 150b

I will get back to you

115 bil offer

1 Like


Levon would you do 120b buyout

Yes That works, sending ISK and account details right now. Thanks.

Isk And account details sent!

Isk received. Starting transfer process.

Transfer Started!

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