WTS 143mil SP 2007 Toon


Total Skillpoints: 142,646,811
Unallocated Skillpoints: 464,507
Total Skillpoints: 143,111,318

1 Remap

2 Mid Grade Clones

There is 2bil roughly of Junk I can’t be bothered moving (Consider it a free gift)

Positive Wallet

-1.2 Sec Status

Location - Pakhshi IX - Moon 20 - CONCORD Bureau

Starting Bid - 125bil


(ask if you want to see which ones)

I’m not allowed to post more than one image as a ‘New Forum user’.

135b . Isk ready

Seeing as my offer is most likely not up to your expectations I’ll go ahead and do the (most likely) unseen thing of outbidding myself, raising my offer to 140b. I’m not looking to extract this character, it shall have a nice new home. So shall we speed this up ? :slight_smile:

I’m currently shooting people back later

I’ll Take you’re 140b.

ok, sending isk and eve mail with info

1 Like

Isk and info sent, awaiting transfer

Isk Received and Toon is Transferring, Enjoy.

And I hope I don’t have to shoot you/My oldself in the future :smiley:

thanks a lot ! :slight_smile:

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