WTS 153 Mil SP

Price check for this toon … make me an offert :wink:

Moved to Price Checks note posts in Character Bazaar must have all information required in the Welcome to the Character Bazaar

95b offer @Sam_Rockbender

are u still open to 95 B ?

hello yes

if you are open to sell i will go 100bill.

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yes im open

lets know how its work to proced

Sure you need to make a private sale in the character bazaar saying you are selling your self to me (LifeHatesMe) for a agreed amount and all ccp rule apply you will pay transfer fee, then I will accept and send you the isk and account name you can then in accounts on ccp website go to character transfer and send the character to my account. Just remember to move the isk to a diffrent character before sending him to me please.

you can use that as a reference for what to say.

Ok perfecf i will do that tomorrow . :slight_smile:

@Sam_Rockbender you selling any of your other toons?

i have destiny Quantum Anomaly