19.4 Million skill points
Positive wallet
Positive security standing
No jump clones
No kill rights
Cybernetics 5
2 Bonus remaps available
Icmalius Skill & Standings Sheet (tools4eve.com)
20 billion buyout
19.4 Million skill points
Positive wallet
Positive security standing
No jump clones
No kill rights
Cybernetics 5
2 Bonus remaps available
Icmalius Skill & Standings Sheet (tools4eve.com)
20 billion buyout
Would you consider 18b?
17bil deal?
Deal. Sold to @LiuTuoTuo_DiDi. Shoot me a message and once I have the isk I will start the transfer.
ISK and account information have been sent
Thank you, I just kicked off the transfer.
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