WTS 2003 [SOLD]

The 2003 character has 3.5m SP and the 2005 character has 874k SP.

2005 has no corp history, never used.

Enigmos is 2003, Liquid Iced is 2005.

[Non OP character removed - to be listed in different thread - @ISD_Drew]

Both characters have positive isk balance and will transfer with 5,000 isk.

They will be in Jita with no clones and no kill rights.

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interested in 2003 Enigmos 5 billion


ok I’ll be home then

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5.5b offer for the 2003 char


7.2B offer

8B for Enigmos

8.2B for Enigmos

9B for Enigmos

9.1B B/O

o7 Sent ya a mail
