WTS 2006 almost untouched char SOLD

Born: 2006.03.05

Total Skillpoints: 1,549,002
Unallocated Skillpoints: 1,347,085
Total Skillpoints: 2,896,087

Good name, no kills or losses ever, only ever in NPC corp.
Remap available: NOW
Bonus Remaps: 3

Positive ISK balance
Docked in a high sec station

No offers under 4b.

I am bidding 4B for now.

Will accept this bid

Perfect. I will send isk and Accountinformations in 5 Minutes ingame to Miana Phmae

EDIT: Isk and Accountname send

Thank you. On my way home soon will begin the transfer process

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Transfer process begun :slight_smile:

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