Selling myself, 21 Million SP, excellent starter subcap pilot / cyno alt
password: 1234
Key Ships I can fly well:
- Recon ships
- Stealth bombers
- Munins
- Cerbs
- Jackdaws
- Ishtars
- Lots more
Character is perfect for throwing straight into combat whether PVP or PVE.
- Located in 4-4 with training pod
- 2 remaps
- No kill rights
- No Negative Wallet
- Currently In NPC Corp
Start bidding at 15b - B/O 20b
good luck o7
Lower than i am looking for but thanks
got a bid in game mail for 15b - does anyone want to match it here?
is that a bid for 15b or would you like to buy out? - if you want to buy out would you increase the offer?
As i said… i would take it… the ingame bid
oh, thanks for the advice…
Extraction price is around 12B, I’ll offer 16B, have ISK ready
accepted, send isk and account info and i’ll start transfer immediately.
@A_Minmatar_Alt accepted, send isk and account info and i’ll start transfer immediately.
@Disparaging_Thought ISK and mail with account name sent. Thanks for the sale!
Received and transfer initiated. Thanks, i hope you get some great use of me
Confirmation of transfer received.
I’m sure I will, have a need for this exact toon. Thanks for getting it ready for me!
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