I am for sale: Tak Amura Skill & Standings Sheet (tools4eve.com)
228.9M sp 2.3M unallocated.
All Standard Faction Dreads and Carriers trained to 4/5 with T2 guns.
4 Categories completed to 100%
Almost all Subcap guns at 5/5 including specialization skills (missing 4).
In NPC Corp (sheet hasn’t updated yet)
Positive Wallet
Positive Sec Standing
No JCs
Current Implants (In Jita 4-4):
Kill Rights (was ganked during Crimson harvest event):
Has 161 Skins (highlights):
Ghostbird - Tengu (30B Jita sell)
Raata Sunset - Archon, Falcon, Manticore (20.5B, 2.7B, 5B)
One Eden - Stratios & Astero (9.5B, 3.5B)
Kaalakiota - Golem (3.3B)
All other rules apply, I pay transfer.
I have a standing offer of 220B.