WTS 24M SP, 2011 Golem/Tengu/Cerb Missile Focused Female


I’m selling a female August 2011 Golem/Tengu/Cerb pilot with focused skilling and single corp history, presently docked in Jita. 2 Bonus Remaps available, 150k unallocated SP.

Buyout is set at 21.5B.

Positive sec status, positive isk wallet, in NPC corporation, no kill rights, on Omega account.

Skill Highlights
Caldari Cruiser V
Caldari Battlecruiser V (but I do not have leadership skills for nighthawk)
Caldari Battleship V
Tengu subsystems all V
Cybernetics V (ie can use Crystal Omega)
Shield Compensation V
T2 HML/HAM/Torp/Cruise missiles
Marauders IV
T2 light + medium drones

18B offer

18.5b Quotation deadline 20 hours later

Hey bing EVEhuo, I wasn’t looking for a quick sale, but I’m checking this post and the Bazaar often. I see your offer, thank you, I’ll consider it.

19 B offer

bump, still seeking offers

20b offer


Hello Wizd, I check this board often, I see you’re offer. I’m waiting for more offers. Reminder, the buyout is stated at 23B.

Bump up, lowered Buyout to 21.5B

bump it up