WTS 35 mil SP Nyx Pilot!


35,747,187 SP, has Gallente Carrier V and Capital Ships V, 250 000 unallocated skillpoint. 2 bonus remaps, and 1 current remap available.

Located in Jita, has a positive wallet, sec status is 5, no kill rights.

Start bid 25b
B/O is 30b.

25b/o valid for 24hours

send ISK and account info and I will initiate transfer

isk and mail sent,

ISK received, transfer has begun.

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Nagan Ranlek
Will be completed after: 11/14/2018 6:39:11 AM

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