Total Skillpoints: 37,840,253 Unallocated Skillpoints: 281,369 Total Skillpoints: 38,121,622 ISK Positive Wallet located in jita 4-4 no kill rights no jump clones clean history
Full Set Of mid-grade Nomads
Starting Bid 38b
43b B/O
Thread reopened.
unhide your skills in the skillboard buddy
26b can send isk now
sorry m8 should be fixed
no thanx, starting bid is 38b
38b offer isk in hand
ill wait to see what other offers i get. your bid is noted thank you
daily bump
ill accept your 38bill offer send me info and isk
Details and isk sent (0733 eve time 05/06/2023)
Thanx m8 Enjoy o7
Do not Post Account Names in a public Forum . ISD Traindriver
Is it already sold? I pay 38b to buy.