WTS46.8SP Titan NYX HEL cheap!

I am for sale 46M plus SP pilot.
Not going to write much about me the skill set tells it all, check out the belowhttps://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Xinlin
The starting bid is 30B and the B/O at 38B.
Check it out Good luck all.
I will pay the transfer fees.

Last sale

35 B/O


put it in an NPC corp DM me

is ok

did you put it in NPC corp?
it’s not showing.


I need you to write “confirm B/O 35B”

confirm B/O 35B

confirm B/O 35B

Ok now put it into an NPC corp and I will send you the isk

i am ready

I’m already in NPC corp

Mail and isk sent

isk received transfer intiated

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