WTS 3x29m sp char Can fly Thunderchild Paladin Leshak and Ishtar

Sorry I have corrected the link
I want to sell my 3 characters.
Npc corp.
Positive wallet
No Killright
Jump clones are located in jita
Applicable all CCP rules
Can fly Thunderchild Paladin Leshak and Ishtar.
Marauder V. Leshak V .Can use T2 guns and heavy drones.

Start Bid 28b or more




30 bil ready, but u need to be in npc corp to transfer character

@Avryns_Dunier are you selling all 3 at once?

Thank you.The website is not updated in time.

It’s best to sell together.But if the price is appropriate, it can be sold separately.

Can offer 50bil for b/o for Vevelonel

(post deleted by author)

Accept.transferred at any time