WTS 4.988mil SP +350k SP unallocated Starter / Farmer


Born December 2012
Clean History
2 Remaps Available
Positive wallet
Neutral sec status, no standings
No killrights or bounties
No jumpclones
Located in Hek

Starting at 3bil. will run for a few days.

Bump. Taking offers too

2.4bill offer :slight_smile:

one more bump.

I offer 3 billion

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I’ll accept your 3b offer.

Please send isk and account info and I’ll start the transfer ASAP

Will do so when I’m online tomorrow

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ISK and account info sent.

Received. I’ll start the transfer as soon as I get home in about an hour and a half and will confirm when I do. Thanks!

Transfer has begun at 2354 EVE time.

Confirmed transfer received

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