WTS 5.1M starter scanner 2017 - 2.5m sp in scanning

I am for sale:

  • Positive sec status
  • In Jita
  • no kill rights
  • in npc corp
  • cybernetics V
  • Neural remap available now
  • 2 x bonus remaps left
  • 2 x improved implants mem/intelligence
  • 2.5m in scanning

4B buyout

not entertaining anything lower, please keep messages in this thread.

4b offer,

rdy to buy right away


ready to transfer when isk and account to transer to received

buying with my alt: Malafacienta

me sending isk now

sounds good my alt is Egara Ijonen, if you have trouble with anything bump the threads and you can contact her

isk sent from Malafacienta

isk received, account info to send to received

started transfer

please let me know if you have any issues by bumping thread

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